Winter weather at Black Star Stables

Black Star Stables and Arena, a veteran-owned small boarding barn in Independence, started with three horses and has since grown to house 13 after forming a partnership with Heart of Pheonix Equine Rescue, said owner Craig Shaffer. 

The stable offers a variety of rehabilitation services as well as full-time equine boarding. It also assists Heart of Pheonix with training and adopting rescued horses. 

Shaffer said the winter weather adds additional challenges to caring for the horses like having to break up ice in watering troughs to make sure their equine residents have access to fresh water all the time and throwing extra hay out as the snow continues to fly to make sure that the horses are able to produce body heat. 

“It’s very challenging,” Shaffer said. “Plus the full-time boarders can’t come see their horses or interact with them, so we have challenges with that.” 

Shaffer said the snow Saturday morning was up to his knees, but should a bigger blizzard hit preventing their ability to get to the barn, they are prepared. 

“We make sure our boarders have at least two weeks of grain on site in case we do hit a national emergency or a state emergency,” he assured. 

Black Star currently has space for horses in need of full-time boarding. Call 304-376-2470 for boarding availability, Shaffer said. 

If you are interested in owning a horse, Shaffer encourages you to check out the Heart of Pheonix Equine Rescue for horses in need of a home. 

Heart of Phoenix Rescue is West Virginia’s largest 501(C) 3 Equine Advocacy organization covering Appalachia. You can learn more about adopting or volunteering or Heart of Phoenix Rescue events at