Preston County Senior Center director retiring after 34 years

KINGWOOD — When Janie Lou White applied for a job with the Preston County Senior Center in 1990, she didn’t know she would be retiring 34 years later as its director.

White became director in 2012, and said she has seen many changes in senior services over the years.

“This is an exciting time for services for the older adults. There have been a lot of improvements over the past 30 years, but the improvements coming are more than I ever thought they would be when I got my college degree,” White said.

There are many things she’s liked about her job over the years, but people are at the top.

“It’s the people I worked with and the seniors that came to the center. The older adults have so much wisdom to share. Every age group has a better perspective on life,” White said.

She said she found working at the Preston County Senior Center to be a rewarding job, and one she would recommend.

“My career in community service has been a true blessing. Where else can you be surrounded by people with a heart for service? This is a noble profession, one where you get paid to love people. I highly recommend it,” White said.

She already has plans for the future.

“I am hoping to sell my house and travel for two years,” White said. “I want to visit all of the national parks around the country, and I want to visit my college friends that live in several different states.”

Sen. Randy Smith has worked with White on senior issues since 2012.

“She’s been my mentor on senior issues,” he said. “Any time I had questions about seniors, she was my go-to person. Most of her life has revolved around Preston County seniors.”

Tina Turner, who will be replacing White as director, said she has been with the center since 2016.

“I was the fiscal officer. I oversaw all the federal, state and local grants. I stepped away for a few years and found my way back after COVID,” she said. “Janie Lou has done a good job keeping me informed so the transition will be a smooth one.”

Turner said her plan is to continue serving the senior population, and working to draw in younger seniors. She said she and White have been focusing on marketing the senior center’s sociality, transportation, nutrition and wellness to bring in more seniors.

An all-day retirement event complete with food and a cake was held at the Senior Center last week to give clients, friends and associates a chance to convey their well wishes. White’s last day as director is undetermined.