Emerging fashion designers find the spotlight at CO*LAB this weekend

NOISE 22 is a three-day fashion event being presented by Nulla Art & Fashion Collective to showcase new designers from Edmonton and around the world.

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NOISE 22 is a three-day fashion event being presented by Nulla Art & Fashion Collective this weekend. A new branch of the long-established Patti Falconer modelling agency, Nulla was created to support emerging designers and Noise will see nearly two dozen talents on a runway at CO*LAB Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.

Below are a few of the talents to look out for.

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Zachary Ward

Zachary Ward, 29, recently graduated with a master’s in architecture from the University of Calgary but has been working on designing and producing clothing since his high-school days at Harry Ainlay.

Ward is most excited about showing two new jackets from his Covid Couture collection inspired by the pandemic. The first is constructed from air mesh, which is a three-dimensional synthetic fabric often found in the production of office chairs, sports shoes and camping bags. The second is teal-coloured and takes inspiration from the silhouettes of health care professionals in early 20th-century field hospitals, but it’s combined with modern lines and pleating to construct a hood.

A piece from fashion designer Zachary Ward’s Covid Couture collection.
A piece from fashion designer Zachary Ward’s Covid Couture collection. Photo by Zachary Ward /Supplied

Amber Chaba

Inspired by Italian glam-rock band Måneskin and a personal breakup, 24-year-old Amber Chaba, alumni of MC College (formerly Marvel), is showcasing her collection, Breakout Sex.

“The lead singer wears lingerie and dresses, like more feminine, even though he’s pretty masculine and so I thought that was a cool idea,” says Chaba of the BDSM-inspired men’s loungewear she’s designed for her label, A Scene in Death.

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Chaba’s collection features two facets, a red and black collection that are monochromatic. She’s thrilled about one particular piece from her red collection, a PVC quilted kimono.

“I think it looks really interesting instead of something flowy, it’s a bit more structured than what we’re used to seeing,” she says.

Liam O’Gilvie

Liam O’Gilvie, 22, is a first-generation Canadian-Jamaican fashion stylist known as The Wardrobe Chemist. Nulla will be his first show as a designer. Almost three weeks ago, O’Gilvie decided to scrap his original collection and go with a new theme, Abnormal Growth. His collection is made up of structured pieces — businesswear mixed with art.

“What inspired my collection this time around is the art of growing at different rates; all the pieces are upcycled too,” says O’Gilvie.

He’s working on building industry connections, first with his Nulla showcase, and then a trip he has planned with friends to New York Fashion Week.

You can read about the full event here.

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