A sampling of bills introduced Friday, Jan. 19

MORGANTOWN — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Friday, Jan. 19. Local sponsors and co-sponsors are noted.

  • HB 4922, to establish a cause of action upon violation of prohibition of providing gender reassignment or gender-altering medication to a minor.
  • HB 4923, to establish parental requirements regarding gender reassignment surgery or gender-altering medications for minor children.
  • HB 4933, to exclude dentures from the $1,000 Medicaid dental coverage cap. Delegate Amy Summers, R-Taylor, sponsor.
  • HB 4934, to make certain acts of panhandling and solicitation unlawful.
  • HB 4936, the Men’s Equality Act, requiring 100% coverage under PEIA for voluntary male sterilization.
  • HB 4940, to prohibit squatting, and to clarify that squatters are not considered tenants.
  • HB 4945, the annual Hope Scholarship Program appropriation calculation will be based on the estimated number of participating students instead of the number of participating students in the prior year; and clarifying that providers may not assess increased or additional fees against Hope Scholarship students based on participation in the program. Delegates Geno Chiarelli and Joe Statler, both R-Monongalia, co-sponsors.
  • HB 4946, to require that public schools teach the full Constitution of the United States, the Federalist Papers and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letters from Birmingham Jail.

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